About new regulations using unburned brick machine to produce new type wall materials
China's jiangsu province in March this year, formulate rules for the new wall materials, which follows the substance to protect land resources and ecological environment in our country, promotes resource saving and recycling.The unburned brick machine equipment made by Bona is a kind of new environmental protection wall materials equipment.The regulations in this year's May Day were introduced.
In the new rules, propose to follow technology innovation, the comprehensive utilization of resources, and environmental protection, energy conservation, based on the principle of local development.Regulations, advocate to use a variety of stone of fly ash, slag, river sand, building soil slag non-toxic harmless solid waste in development and production of new wall materials.The raw material consumed by Bona unburned brick making machine is a variety of river sand, fly ash, slag, industrial waste, etc., in line with the raw material of new wall materials code selection criteria.Fully do not pollute the air, do not waste of land resources, do not harm human body health of energy-saving features.
Regulations in article 11 points out that the research and development of new wall materials, investment projects, construction of new wall materials production of new wall materials production technical renovation projects, as well as clay solid brick and hollow brick clay halt production of new wall materials production enterprises, enjoy the new wall materials special fund subsidies according to the provisions of the state and province.That is to say, unburned brick machine project is for a country, we will vigorously support the sunrise industry, the state shall encourage rural and small town to carry out the
unburned brick block, unburned brick, standard brick, etc baking-free brick production and sales.
Within the scope of towns in jiangsu area forbids the use of clay solid brick, including framework (including box shear and shear wall, cylinder, etc.) of the structure of the construction projects, also forbids the use of clay brick.
My company as a professional production factories of various kinds of baking-free brick machine, in strict accordance with national standards for each brick machine manufacturing equipment, to provide users with the most standardized baking-free brick machine, welcome all friends to visit.