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Pouring cement brick body needs attention problems


For cement brick machine and equipment for the entire body is solid will directly affect their own life ! So whether we are in the production of their own or to buy castings should pay particular attention to the casting itself for some problems should be promptly corrected !
Usually our most common glitches that casting surface , pores, pinholes, cracks , grooves, sand scarring , sticky sand and surface roughness, properties, composition, organization does not meet the appropriate standards ! More serious like some dimensions do not meet the installation standards , these terms will affect the installation of production machinery and equipment in !
If we do not pay attention to these issues before production , after production will delay the progress of work and a waste of information to increase spending ! So we buy or casting machine body must pay attention to their own production !
 In our own production or maintenance of cement brick making machine body , the first thing to note is that with the right casting production methods , to strictly enforce the castings produced by each of the steps , reducing the metal smelting appear in the gas and impurities !
We should note that if it is their pouring castings , remember not interrupted midway , this will cause some unnecessary waste , while some do not meet the standard for castings , we must strictly prohibited ! For some common slag casting surface pores , then we need to improve in the production of molten iron temperature . Reducing the slag viscosity. Improve the ability of slag gating system . There is in production, we must control the thickness of the casting , after cooling to avoid cracks !

SKYPE: kevinlee02
QQ: 81573401
Tel: 0086-371-87091886


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